"Puberteens" is a tween animated series following three teenage misfits who discover that their puberty grants them superpowers. They must find a way to save their school from gross monsters, growing pains, greasy things and more!

The series premiered in Mediacorp (Singapore) and was produced by Singapore-based animation studio Finding Pictures.

I co-wrote the episodes "Period Drama" (watch here) and "Boys Don't Cry" (watch here).

Period Drama: Holly gets her first period the day before the Springwood Talentime Jamboree. With the show's success hinging on Holly's performance, Celeste must choose between the show and Holly's well-being.

Boys Don't Cry: Mike is embarrassed about crying in public after watching a film. With the help of Celeste, Hiro, and a froggy companion, Mike embarks on a mission to "man up". Will Mike ever be tough enough?

Produced by: Finding Pictures
Executive Producers: Jia Lee, Mark Wee
Series Director: Andre Quek
Animation Directors: Li Yihua, Joanne Lin
Art Directors: Sarah Cheok, Febby Yauwanita
Producer: Gloria Yeo
Head Writer: Jeannie Chia