An animated fantasy-comedy short film, “My Dear Little Red Monster,” follows a middle school student who tries to hide her period leak during class. However, it ruptures into multiple blood blobs that swallow her into her uterus.

I'm producing "My Dear Little Red Monster" and working with animation director Novella ("Tankboy"). Through this film, we want to empower young girls in dealing with menstruation and its misconceptions. We also wish to challenge societal taboos around menstruation. We want to transform absurd fears into a universal story that would normalise the fear of menstruation through the film's cute portrayal of menstrual leaks. 

We choose the medium of animation because it allows us to tell the story through humour, metaphors, and surrealism.

We ran a successful Kickstarter campaign for this film, raising more than 115% of its funding goal.

Director: Novella
Producer: Olivia Griselda

Animators: Novella, Jessieca Junesha
Background artists: Febby Yauwanita, Sarah Cheok, Fira Razman
Storyboard artists: Eiris Lu


Check out also Olivia's previous animated film "She and Her Good Vibrations", which deals with female pleasure.